IDC – org.

international dance competition
of all age groups

Ova dole je za desktop. Meniji su odvojeni jer za mob ide ispod slike. Ovo se ne vidi jer je responzive

IDC – org.

international dance competition
of all age groups

NOTICE 2021 Winter Edition

Poštovani treneri,voditelji i plesači …

Nakon dugo vremena vratili smo se u dvorane i sada ponovo možemo organizirati odlično natjecanje za sve Vas na stari način bez ograničenog broja sudionika i gledatelja ali samo na jedan način.Plesanje pred publikom je neprocjenjivo i zato je sada pravo vrijeme da djelujemo jer imamo mjesec dana da se pripremimo i da svi ima potrebne potvrde.

Pravila su  sljedeća:


-Djeca do 12 godina života u pratnji voditelja ili trenera koji posjeduje eu digitalnu covid potvrdu (ili na  papiru sa  Q-ar kodom)

-Učesnici koji su cijepljeni sa dvije doze cjepiva koje se prima u dvije doze ( Pfizer i sl..) ili jednom dozom cjepiva koje se prima u jednoj dozi (J&J).

-Osobe koje su preboljele covid-19 unutar 180 dana.

-Osobe koje su preboljele covid-19 i primile jednu dozu cjepiva unutar 180 dana od preboljenja odnosno od pozitivnog PCR nalaza.

Ukoliko ne posjedujete ništa od navedenog , neophodna je potvrda brzog antigenog testa ovlaštenog zavoda za testiranje napravljen unutar 48 sati ,također u papirnatom ili digitalnom obliku.

Brzi kućni antigenski testovi za osobnu upotrebu nisu priznati od strane HZJZ.  

Na ulazu u dvoranu obavezno morate predočiti važeću eu digitalnu covid potvrdu u digitalnom ili papirnatom obliku.  

Raspis i prijave na web stranici:

Prijave su otvorene.

Molim Vas da ukoliko želite sudjelovati na natjecanju kakvo smo zadnji puta održali 2019 također u zimskoj ediciji da se prijavite najkasnije do 02.12.2021 jer zbog organizacije neće biti moguće produživati rok za prijave.

Klubovi na svakih 10 plesača može imati jednog voditelj sa gratis ulaznicom svi ostali plaćaju ulaznicu kao i gledatelj.

Ulaznica za gledatelje je 30 kuna.

Kako je je prosinac mjesec darivanja i gledatelji će sa svakom kupljenom ulaznicom sudjelovati u nagradnom  izvlačenju za 5 vrijednih nagrada.

U slučaju nedovoljno prijavljenih za održavanje natjecanja uslijed obaveznih covid potvrda ,organizator zadržava pravo otkazivanja natjecanja.

Tim IDC-org.


Dear coaches, leaders and dancers …
After a long time we returned to the halls and now we can again organize a great competition for all of you in the old way without a limited number of participants and spectators but only in one way. Dancing in front of the audience is invaluable to prepare and for everyone to have the necessary confirmations.
The rules are as follows:

-Children up to 12 years of age accompanied by a leader or trainer who has an eu digital covid certificate (or on paper with a Q-ar code)
-Participants who were vaccinated with two doses of vaccine received in two doses (Pfizer, etc.) or one dose of vaccine received in one dose (J&J).
-Persons who got over covid-19 within 180 days.
-Persons who have recovered from covid-19 and received a single dose of vaccine within 180 days of recovery or positive PCR findings.

If you do not have any of the above, it is necessary to confirm a rapid antigen test by an authorized testing institute made within 48 hours, also in paper or digital form.
Rapid home antigen tests for personal use are not recognized by the HZJZ.
At the entrance to the hall, you must present a valid eu digital covid certificate in digital or paper form.

Call and applications on the website:

Applications are open.

Please, if you want to participate in the competition as we last held in 2019, also in the winter edition, to register no later than 2nd December 2021, because due to the organization, it will not be possible to extend the deadline for applications.
Clubs for every 10 dancers can have one host with a free ticket; everyone else pays a ticket as well as a spectator.
The ticket for spectators is 30 kuna.
As December is the month of giving away, the spectators will participate in the prize draw for 5 valuable prizes with each ticket purchased.

In case of insufficient registration for the competition due to mandatory covid certificates, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the competition.

Team IDC-org.

Invitation letter 8th Island Dance Competition-WINTER EDITION DECEMBER 11.2021


8th Island dance competition winter edition

The competition is of international character,and is open to all dancer,dance clubs,studio,associations,school,academies of professional and amateur group  regardless of belonging to any federation or dance groups.

Competition organizer:IDC-org

The place of events: Island Krk -Croatia sports Hall

Stipkino 7 Bogovići ,Malinska

DATE OF EVENTS: 11.December.2021

JUDGE: 3 judges TBA

Data processing: FestIS 
Grading system: FestIS 

Each category is judged by 3 judges, specialised for the dance discipline they have been delegated to judge. Judges evaluate each routine using points from 1 – worst to 10 – best in the following parameters: – Technique – Music and rhythm – Interpretation – Choreography – Impression

The judging panel is comprised of renowned dance experts (judges, coaches, choreographers), both national and international, picked based on their credentials by the Organizer. Appointed judges are experts from difference dance genres.

Dance Competition Stage 12X12 with Dance floor Harlquine

Dead line:02.12.2021


General Rules:

Running time +/- 20 sec.

SOLO 1.15 -2:00

DUO, TRIO 1:30 – 2.30

GROUP 2.00 – 4:00

FORMATION 2:30 – 5.00

PRODUCTION 2:30 – 6.00

Categories by age group:


Baby till 6 years

Mini kids from 6 till 8 years

Kids from 8 till 11 years


Kids 1 from 11 till 13 years

Junior from  13 till 16 years

Senior  from 16 till 27 years


Senior 1 from 27 till 45 years

Evergreen from 45 till 99 years

Categories by number of dancers:

Solo dance – (1  solo)

Duo, Trio ( 2 duo) –( 3 trio)

Group  (4 – 8 dancers)
Formation (9 – 35 dancers)
Production 35 +

There must be a minimum of 3 choreographies in each category.
If there are no registered choreographies in the respective category, the choreography is transferred to the first related category or age group.

When registering for age groups, apply by looking at the day of the competition.

If asked to apply for a group, formation or production You are applying to a category that includes 70% or more of children by age in a specific age group.


  • Solo dance – (1  solo) per dancer, per dance 20€/150 kn

  • Duo, Trio dancer – 2 duo – 3 trio) per dancer, per dance 16€/120kn

  • Group dance (4 – 9 dancers) per dancer, per dance 14€/105kn

  • Formation (10- 35 dancers) per dancer, per dance 10€/75kn

  • Production 35 + per dancers, per dance 10€/75 kn

  • Categories Baby from solo till production fee is 10€ /75kn

  • 1st place- certificate,trophy and medals for all participants

  • 2nd place-certificate,trophy and medals for all participants

  • 3rd place-certificate,trophy and medals for all participants

  • 4,5,6 … place ,certificate of participation with the won position

  • solo/duo-trio

  • 1st certificate and trophy

  • 2nd certificate and trophy

  • 3rd certificate and trophy

  • 4,5,6—place, certificate of participation with the won position




1st PLACE  300€ CHECK and Trophy  Winner of Island dance copmpetition

2nd PLACE 150€ CHECK and Trophy

3rd PLACE  100€ CHECK and Trophy


1st PLACE 150€ CHECK and Trophy Winner of Island dance competition

2nd PLACE100€ CHECK and Trophy

3rd PLACE 50€ CHECK and Trophy

Best talent Male and female spozored awards.




  •  HIP HOP








  •  OPEN


  • TAP




Event organizer : IDC-org.
Dub events & adventures j.d.o.o
Dance Music Association “Chaplin”
m:Croatia – 0038598398745  e:

All other information after closing the application.

The rules of the competition for entering and leaving the hall and the conditions will be announced after the closing of applications.

There is a possibility that everyone entering the hall, over the age of 12, will need to have a covid certificate

Payment of registration fees is made only after receiving the pro forma invoice

HR IBAN: HR07 2340 0091 1106 33419

MILOVČIĆI 1 A Malinska 51511

5. IDC -Island dance competition winter edition Malinska – RASPIS

Sve kategorije koje se sude po pravilima IDF-a, prva tri mjesta u skupini kvalificiraju se za svjetsko prvenstvo također su u konkurenciji za specijalne nagrade IDC-a. Ostalo kategorije koje se sude po općim pravilima IDC u konkurenciji su za specijalne nagrade ali se ne mogu kvalificirati na svjetsko prvenstvo.


Datum održavanja:    03.11.2018.

Mjesto:                         Malinska, Sportska dvorana BOGOVIĆI, Stipkino 7 Island Krk-Croatia

Organiozator:              Plesno -glazbena udruga “CHAPLIN”, Dub events & adventures Malinska

Tip natjecanja:           Otvorenog tipa za klubove, škole, udruge, plesne studije, kulturno umjetnička društva, pojedince iz zemlje i inozemstva

Dead line:                    30.10.2018.

Dobne katekgorije:     Baby: 4 – 6 god. IDC-DK
Mini: 6 -9 god. IDC i IDF- DK
Youth: 10-13 god. IDC i IDF –DK
Juniori: 14-16 god. IDC i IDF-DK
Adult: 17- 20 god. IDC I IDF-DK
Seniori: 21+ god. IDC –DK

Plesne kategorije:        Open
Jazz Dance
MTV- Comercial
Freesyle/Street Show (kombinacija nekoliko ili svih urban stilova)
Latino Show
Fitnes Dance Show

Plesne kategorije prema pravilima IDF-a:
Fit Kid
Jazz Funk
Hip Hop
Dance Show
Fantasy Show

Kategorije po broju plesača:
Solo (1) 1:15-1:30
Duo (2) 1:30- 2:00
Grupa (3-7) 2:00 -2:30
Formacija (8-24) 2:30 -4:00
produkcija (25)+ 3:00-5:00

Napomena:                  U plesnim kategorijama koje se sude po IDC pravilima dozvoljena minutaža +30 sec. kod svih kategorija.


Kotizacija:                   Baby– prva koreografija 8 € svaka sljedeću 5 € (po plesaču), kategorija je revijalno pokazna i svi plešu u istoj kategoriji su nagrađeni kao poticaj za daljni rad.
Mini, Youth, Juniori, Adult, Seniori– prva koreografija 10 € svaka sljedeću 8 € (po plesaču)

Napomena:                  Za uplate iz hrvatske koristi se tečaj 7,50 kuna za 1 €.

Nagrade:                      Medalje, Pehari, Diplome, Specijalne nagrade

Pravila za kategorije u sustavu IDF organizacije možete pročitati na službenoj stranici:

Mobilni:                       +385 98398745 Mira

Sudački TiM:              Naknadna objava

5. IDC -Island dance competition winter edition Malinska – COMPETITION INFORMATION

All categories which  are to be judged by the  rules of IDF-a, can qualify for the world championship(first three places) and also are in competing for special awards IDC-a. Other categories that are judged by the general  rules of IDC are in the competition for special awards ,but cannot be qualified for the world championship.


Date:                            03.11.2018.

Place of the event:       Malinska, Sports Hall BOGOVIĆI, Stipkino 7 Island Krk-Croatia

Organizer:                   Plesno -glazbena udruga “CHAPLIN”, Dub events & adventures Malinska

Tip natjecanja:           Open type for all dance schools,dance clubs,asocciations,studios,for independent solo artists, cultural art societies, individuals from home and abroad

Deadline:                      28.10.2018.

Age categories:  

Baby: 4 – 6 god. IDC-DK
Mini: 6 -9 god. IDC i IDF- DK
Youth: 10-13 god. IDC i IDF –DK
Juniori: 14-16 god. IDC i IDF-DK
Adult: 17- 20 god. IDC I IDF-DK
Seniori: 21+ god. IDC –DK

Dance categories: 

Jazz Dance
MTV- Comercial
Freesyle/Street Show (combination of few/all urban styles)
Latino Show
Fitnes Dance Show

Dance categories according to rules of IDF:
Fit Kid
Jazz Funk
Hip Hop
Dance Show
Fantasy Show

Categories according to number of dancers:
Solo (1) 1:15-1:30
Duo (2) 1:30- 2:00
Grupa (3-7) 2:00 -2:30
Formacija (8-24) 2:30 -4:00
produkcija (25)+ 3:00-5:00

Remark: In  all dance categories according to IDC it is allowed to have +30 seconds more than you put in the application without penalties.


Registration fee: Baby– first coreography is 8 €,the next ones each are 5 € (by the individual dancer), (in this category every dancer is awarded no matter what score they get from the judges to encourage further work)
Mini, Youth, Juniori, Adult, Seniori– firt coreography 10 € ,the next ones each are 8 € (by the individual dancer)

Remark:              For payments in Croatia the exchange rate of the euro is 7,50 kuna for 1 €.

Awards:              Special awards,medals, cups, diplomas

Rules for categories by IDF organisation:

Phone:                          +385 98398745 Mira

Judges:                        WILL BE ANNOUNCED…